Create New Listing.

This topic shall converse about step-by-step action on how to create new Listing in Laskea.


  1. Assuming you are already logged into Laskea.
  2. Click onto the "New Listing" menu item ("Plus" shaped icon) at the bottom (on mobile) or at the top (on desktop).
  3. You shall be brought to the "New Listing" form.
  4. Fill up your Listing details information and photos until completed.
  5. Click the "Save Draft Listing" button at the bottom of the form to save your Listing.
  6. Laskea shall create your new Listing. Please patiently wait for all Listing's photos and information being properly uploaded onto Laskea.
  7. After completion of creating new Listing, Laskea shall display your new Listing.
  8. The new Listing shall be available in your profile page.
