Search Listing.

This topic shall converse about the actions on how to search for Listing in Laskea.


  1. Assuming you are already logged into Laskea.
  2. Click onto the "Search" menu item at the bottom (on mobile) or at the top (on desktop).
  3. You shall be brought to the "Search Listing" form.
  4. Specify the criteria of Listing that you want to search into the form.
  5. Click the "Search Listing" button at the bottom of the form.
  6. Laskea shall display results from the search process by displaying all the Listing items that match the search criteria.
  7. Perform limit-less scroll to view the search results, together with the summary of the Listing.
  8. Click anywhere on the Listing item or "View Listing" button to view the details of the Listing.
